Parents, I hope that you are having a wonderful Winter Break! We are half way done with the school year already. I have been so excited to see the growth the students are making. It's so fun to see kids who told me at the beginning of the year that they couldn't read, who are now sitting alone reading books out loud. Learning the sight words, sounding out words and reading are always our number one priority. We will also continue to work on addition and subtraction. We are becoming so good at math. We will continue to grow in reading and math in the new year. Now here are a few pictures I took over the past couple of months.

We spend a lot of time on our Ipad's. We have six or so games that the children can choose from. Some help with reading and others help with math. This is a good time to mention that these work best if your child has headphones.

The kids like to sit in my chair and pretend they are me teaching the class. They know our morning routine so well.

More time on the Ipad. We have a learning program called Lexia that the students are suppose to spend 60 minutes on each week. It does a great job teaching letters, words, and reading phrases.

When the entire class finishes their 60 minutes of Lexia we get ribbons. We turn those ribbons into the Vice Principal, Mrs. Camp, and get a reward. We turned in 5 of our ribbons and the children chose a dance party. The kids had a lot of fun with glow sticks as they danced around the room.

Everyday we read to ourselves or we read with partners. I LOVE hearing the kids reading. Each child has a box of books which most can read. This is always a favorite part of the day for me.

The classroom is always filled with cuteness and smiles. My 21 kids make me love coming to work each morning.

Picture of us doing our classwork and then getting on Ipads.

Two kids who have become really good readers. We use books called decodeable books. We work on the skill in the book, such as sounding out digraphs, and then the kids work on being able to read the book either alone or with a partner. I love when the kids choose reading as their free time activity.

Sometimes I let the kids have the camera and take a few pictures. When that happens we get extreme close-ups.